How we rate games

We rate games on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. I must admit that I stole the text for the descriptions from a post on the newsgroup. I agreed with the scale and it seems a good thing that there be a consistant view of what each number meant. The original version of these rankings comes from Mik Svellov and Aaron Fuegi.

I will try to stay away from fractions (i.e. ratings of 7.5 and such). I think the 10 point scale should provide enough range. I think you will see a lot of "good" ratings because we tend to research games before we buy and don't go out on a limb too much, buying unknowns.

Rating System
Value Meaning
10 Outstanding. Always want to play it and expect this will never change. All time favorite.
9 Excellent game, always want to play it
8 Very good game, will never turn down a game and am likely to suggest it
7 Good game, usually willing to play
6 Ok game, some fun or challenge at least, will play sporadically
5 Average game, slightly boring, take it or leave it
4 Not so good, it doesn't get me, but could be talked into it on occasion
3 Poor game, why bother, likely won't play this again
2 Extremely annoying game, won't play this ever again
1 Defies description of a game, you won't catch me dead playing this again

E-mail Ed Rozmiarek with questions or problems concerning this page.

Copyright © 2001, Ed Rozmiarek